Monday, January 16, 2006

Monday...Leoni and I spent a lot of time playing with photoshop...can you tell?

Sunday afternoon, met up with Nichola and Charlotte in the park.

Saturday afternoon, my gr8 m8 Lee came 'round with his and Sally's handsome son, Elliot.

Iuwe talked about him lots after he'd gone. Think she's smitten.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

catch up time

The only time Che sat still on Friday.

Thurs....head over heels, running off that energy...and then fuelling up again.

weds thing I saw all day!

Been a busy few days but I have been taking the photo's just no time to put them up. We had a sleepover at the youth club for the girls complete with baby dolls that cry and need looking after, it was an interesting exercise but didn't help me to catch up on my sleep.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Productive day, morning spent in the delightful company of Lily. She's so gorgeous!

Happy birthday Dad.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Chilled day

Day spent playing addictive new games such as and I discovered, you could burn some hours there. We also did a bit of mad face painting.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Today was the day that we finally finished the wallpapering in the hall and stairs.....wooo hooo!!!

We had a visit from the glamourous and fab Rosalba.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Not the pic I wanted to use but didn't have permission for the one I had in mind.

We had a lovely time with our little friend. We painted, sang and danced togther.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

A hard day at the office.

Celeb BB begins....

Youth club staff meeting tonight at Kro to do 'appraisal' spookily quiet, no students about yet.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Che's sk8er debut

Busy day childminding, home edding etc. Che's 1st attempt at skateboarding, might have to consider getting him a board.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Wow, I''m knackered...we've been papering all day, looking good though.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Ok, so I cheated a bit already and didn't get to post until 2nd Jan but I have an excuse...I was in A+E all night with Leoni, she's not feeling too good but will be fine soon. So here's the next one.

Iuwe...the original 'crazy chick'

My new year's take at least one photo per day and post them here. I think it's important to regain some creativity and dedicate time for my interests.

First image, dont know how long I'll be able to keep this up but here goes nuthin'....

New Year's Day at Maria and Giovanni's. Maria made a lovely yummy dinner and then Che tried to trash the house! We had a great start to 2006.